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Rebate Incentives for Supermarkets, Grocers and Specialty Shops

ECONOFROST night covers are the perfect solution for supermarkets, grocery store locations, convenient stores and other retail shops that have refrigerated display cases in their store.

Night covers provide retail locations with a simple way to save energy without spending a fortune to do so. ECONOFROST night covers are also a practical solution to help decrease the work load placed on older refrigeration equipment allowign it to operate more efficiently.

The secret behind ECONOFROST's success and performance in providing a superior thermal barrier is the construction of the fabric. ECONOFROST's fabric is made from woven aluminum material which helps to hold in and re-circulate the cold refrigerated air. It also helps to deflect the ambient heat and light away from the case preventing it from entering the open refrigeration system. The result is less strain on refrigeration equipment which translates into greater efficiency and considerable dollar and product savings.

ECONOFROST covers install to the front top ledge of the cooler case. At night either when the store is closed or customer volume is slow, the covers can be pulled down to begin the energy saving process. During business hours the covers can be retracted for displaying products.

The benefits for using the ECONOFROST night covers are endless. Some of the benefits you will notice immediately include:

  • improved product quality,
  • a decrease in your business’s utility bills and operational costs,
  • and a noticeable increase in the energy efficiency and the improvement of the cooler case performance

These benefits lead to a better selection of foods being offered to your customers, an increase in customer satisfaction, a decrease in departmental losses previously acrued from food spoiling, and less time dedicated to the trimming and turning of displays.

These are all win - win situations for you and your business.

Don't Get Caught In a Storm

Night covers also are handy during unexpected loss of power providing additional and immediate protection until other measures can be implemented. Stores that experience power outages or brown outs report significant savings from having installed night covers. For one Arizona chain store, the savings from power outage incident paid for the entire night cover installation! Just one incident justifies the investment in ECONOFROST night covers, so if your business is located in an area with consistent interruptions in power, night covers will be worth it even more for you.

ECONOFROST night covers are affordable for most businesses. This is especially true when you consider all the savings associated with using night covers. However, you can also save even more money in implementing night covers if your local or state utility company offers various rebate programs that reward commercial businesses who incorporate energy efficient retrofit products like night covers.

We are always working with utility companies and energy consulting organizations in getting rebate programs listed for both vertical and horizontal night covers.

Below is just a small group of utility companies that are currently offering rebates to businesses who purchase ECONOFROST night covers. For a more comprehensive list, please contact us.

  • BC Hydro
  • Manitoba Hydro
  • Southern California Edison
  • Pacific Gas and Electric Company
  • Sempra Energy Utility
  • APS
  • Connecticut Light & Power
  • Western Massachussetts Electric
  • Avista Utilities
  • Sierra Pacific
  • UI - The United Illuminating Company
  • LA Department of Water and Power
  • Con Edison